San Diego Sunset

You Deserve Health

This blog is created with all the best energy and love for the readers. It is written with the sincerest hope, that from my writing, I help you find some form of lightness in yourself, for whatever you have going on in life. It is for my clients, but also for everyone, because I believe we are all deserving of health. That is the sole purpose of my work, my writing, my life- to tell you that every single person on this earth, yes you, especially you, is completely, fully, in every aspect of being, deserving of feeling well. No matter your past, no matter how you’ve disregarded health, no matter how you are living now, no matter what anyone has said to you, you deserve to feel well.

It is when we believe that we are actually deserving of health that we start to treat ourselves well, even if it’s just beginning in the smallest ways. Yes, so much about health is food but when I say health, I mean it in every single aspect of what makes us vibrant. These blog posts I write for everyone- from the vegan to the carnivore, the yogi to the crossfit-er, the 400-pound person to the 100 pound person, the perfectly-in-shape to never-once-focused-on-health, the CEO to the musician, the billionaire to the homeless. Why? Because no matter what, who or where we are, I believe that in our deepest core, we all want to feel vibrant. That feeling, that is the summary of health, that is what we all desire and deserve.

Through these posts, you will get to know me, get to know my life path, my health path. I hope through my stories, my learnings, you will see the HUGE picture of what health really is, the grand picture, how it is WAY more than the campaigns you see for the newest Slimfast protein bars. Through my working years, I have felt there is a fine balance between business and personal life and that boundaries are important. Through my sickest days, where I swore on my life that if I ever made it through, I would use my experiences to help people. With my writing, I hope to be on the more open side with you, to use my journey- the hardest days, the best days, the greatest learnings, to help you in your life.

These days we have access to healthy articles at our fingertips 24/7. This can be excellent and overwhelming. It can often feel that because technically we can Google anything about health, that we should all be the very healthiest. I think we all know the world had more health before Google allowed us to have all this information. Some of my blogs will be science based, some will be specific recipes that I believe will nourish you, but a lot of my writing is more of the no-bullshit, let’s be real kind of talk. It is the kind of writing that comes with TRUE PASSION, real world experience, ‘This health lesson I was forced to learn when I was alone in the Colombian jungle,’ no fluff, no ‘health is so easy!’, no ‘just eat this’, no ‘just take this supplement’ kind of talk. Health is not easy, health is absolutely the most precious luxury, and I am here to be real with you about all of it.

With lots of love,


Nica Relaxing

New Hampshire September

San Diego Sisters

San Diego Little Friend

Nicaragua Horse

Thailand Lagoon

Nicaragua Hike


Costa Rica

San Diego Headstand

Thailand Waterfall

Nicaragua Sunset

Puerto Puerto Rico

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